If you own multifamily real estate, you’ve already seen the effects of eCommerce — package pile-ups in entryways, mailrooms, and other common spaces. Package protection is quickly becoming a must-have amenity and future tenants will want to know how you can ensure the...
Updated March 19, 2020. Originally published March 11, 2019. Heavily-populated areas, particularly wealthy neighborhoods, are perfect targets for package thieves. Crooks often follow delivery trucks from house to house, snatching a bagful of boxes from a single...
This past year, we’ve covered everything from package theft to buy online, pick up in-store (BOPIS) as we delved into why package lockers are a leading solution for retailers, businesses, and property managers. To help you catch up with the headlines, here are our ten...
What’s a porch pirate’s favorite time of the year? If you guessed the holiday season, you’re correct. No other time rivals the flood of deliveries we see as the year winds down. So it’s no surprise that nearly a quarter of holiday shoppers have concerns about package...
Historically, the holidays have been the biggest draw for package theft. But year-round deals, online shopping sprees, and the overall increase in e-commerce activity have made every day a good day for porch pirates. More than 40% of Americans receive packages three...
With millions of online orders delivered each day, package theft is becoming an increasingly common occurrence. Over a third of Americans have fallen victim to porch pirates or know someone who has. For younger generations (age 18 to 34), that percentage jumps to...