View our key customer installation

Discover how Smoita has transformed package management for customers across multiple industries

Smiota Customer Installations

smiota smart lockers - metal



A mobile and virtual workforce package delivery difficult for mail staff

Smiota solution

43 smart lockers installed in the package room


Mail staff deposits the package  and employee have 24×7 access to pick up at their convenience

Alaska Airlines Cargo


 Cargo customers had to wait in line to pickup incoming shipments. It was difficult for Alaska Airlines to properly staff the counters for peak periods.

Smiota solution

43 back loaded smart lockers installed between airside receiving and client pickup area.


High value (Gold streak) client can have their shipments delivered to lockers. They are notified when the shipment is delivered and can pick up directly from the lockers. Alaska Air staff do not need have to involved in those deliveries.   

smiota smart lockers - metal

Brooklyn Navy Yard


BNY is a 300 acre industrial park with over 500 businesses. Having carrier deliveries directly to the client would generate excessive truck traffic throughout the campus.

Smiota solution

All deliveries are centralized to one receiving area. Packages are scanned and sorted for distribution to each building. Buildings have indoor smart lockers for efficient dropoff by BNY staff


Elimination of courier traffic throughout the campus. All incoming packages are accounted for and tracked for delivery and pickup through the Smiota receiving and smart locker systems.   

Contact Us to Learn More


(925) 270-4321


46745 Fremont Blvd
Fremont, CA 94538